Die folgenden Erweiterungen von GiovanniSalmeri habe ich nicht weiter getestet:
- yellow-analytics --- Web analytics and cookie consent banner.
- yellow-autopublish --- Schedule automatic publishing of pages
- yellow-burger --- Hamburger menu
- yellow-chant --- Display Gregorian chant scores
- yellow-chartjs --- Animated and responsive charts.
- yellow-chess --- Show chess diagrams and games
- yellow-comments --- Easy commenting system
- yellow-countdown --- Textual or digital countdown timer
- yellow-diary --- Events diary
- yellow-disqus --- Show Disqus comments on blog
- yellow-dropzone --- Drag-and-drop file uploads with image previews
- yellow-instagram --- Embed Instagram photos.
- yellow-mailer --- Email creation and transfer
- yellow-math --- Display mathematical expressions
- yellow-metatags --- Generic meta data.
- yellow-miniburger --- One-level hamburger menu
- yellow-minishare --- Social sharing links
- yellow-music --- Display music scores
- yellow-openstreetmap --- Embed OpenStreetMap maps
- yellow-panorama --- Panoramic scrollable images
- yellow-pinboard --- Pinboard for timed notices
- yellow-quiz --- Self-assessment multiple-choice and true/false tests
- yellow-replain --- Show Re:plain live chat
- yellow-restrict --- Restrict access to pages
- yellow-selflink --- Create internal links in Yellow
- yellow-table --- Simple flat-file database management
- yellow-toml --- Minimal TOML parser